Tea Time Miri Pelita new place for Food!

Tea Time Miri is officially open, offering economical meals, as well as a self-service salad, a bowl for rm5, a variety of local and Asian mixed creative dishes at an affordable price.

Fear of hot environment? No worries, we have indoor air-conditioning. If you like sunbathing, we have outdoor seating too.

Tea time 茶园 正式营业, 提供经济面饭类, 还有 自助salad 一碗rm5 ,各种本地和亚洲混合式创意风味料理,价钱实惠。

aiya, Jom 来 makan .

为您准备的美食。就在Tea Time Miri 茶园。

怕热 ?不怕,我们备有室内冷气空调,喜欢日光浴我们有户外座位。

Address: Tea Time Miri 茶园
Lot 341, Ground Floor, Unity Centre, Miri Pujut Road, 98000 Miri.

(Images via/courtesy of Tea Time Miri 茶园)