PET SOCIETY Pets Exhibition now in Miri Boulevard

Exciting news for pets lovers in Miri City !!! There will be a PET SOCIETY pet expo organised by Premium Jaya Event Planner and Boulevard Shopping Mall, co-organised by Draggy and Exopet Reptiles Miri, awareness supported by Animals Hope Miri and Golden Pets.

Date: 25/05-03/06
Venue: Boulevard Shopping Mall 3rd Floor

Exciting activities are
1. Games with prizes to redeemed.

2. Try the traditional food of Borneo, Fear Factor Sago Worms eating challenge.

3. Awareness about the adoption of stray cats and dogs.

4. Lots of photo booths to snap on photos.

5. Zero distant with the animals.

With only RM6 per entry, you can spend your time with your friends and family members to understand and having fun with such cute and gentle animals!

To know more about this event, feel free to contact: Royce at 0168539053.
See you there and happy experiencing!

令人兴奋的消息来咯 !!!

在来临的 5月25日至6月3日在富丽华购物广场第三楼,Premium Jaya Event Planner 将与富丽华购物广场一起主办PET SOCIETY宠物展,同时也与Draggy和Exopet Reptiles Miri一起联办,Animals Hope Miri 和 Golden Pets也将会一起响应助养计划。


入场费仅需 6令吉,您可以与朋友们,孩子们一起学习和了解更多关于动物们的知识,也可以在场一边玩耍和拍照。

想知道更多关于此活动的资料,可以询问以下联络方式,Royce 0168539053。

(Images/Info shared by/via Royce Wee)