Laksa Petai found in Miri City

Good news Miri people! New menu Laksa Petai found in Miri City!

Signature food at 香姨Laksa.
Newly launched menu Laksa Petai.

This stall has been operating in several places since 2018. Since MCO, they officially sell Laksa in front of Casamia Bakery and within 5 months, they will receive support and good comments from friends around them; therefore, friends are used to having breakfast here in the morning.

Stall name: 香姨 (RIAM Casamia Bakery)

Casamia Bakery Cafe Riam Miri, Shophouse, LOT 727, Ground Floor, Block 1, Lambir Land District, Jalan Pin Fook, Jln Camwood, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Food you can also find here:各类干捞面米粉果条,煎饺,水饺,云吞,Laksa。
Price:Laksa RM5 (小碗,鸡丝,鸡蛋丝,豆芽,肉丸/鱼丸 (没有虾),

RM7 (有虾),Laksa Petai RM15。

(Images via/courtesy of William Chin Yu Hua)