Delicious Lamb Satay in Miri City

Super invincible delicious lamb satay now in Miri City! It’s really hard to find such a delicious sweet marinade, thick sandal peanut butter, and fragrant, slightly charred Mutton!

Venue : Taman Tunku (I will not explain, just a colorful shop on the side of the road. See the signboard of the Temple and go straight)
Business hours : 6pm or so until finished.
Price: a string for RM1.00

超级无敌好吃的羊肉沙爹 – 好吃到你叫爹!!! 真的很难找到这么好吃的了 甜甜的腌料,浓浓的沙爹花生酱,还有香香的,微焦的羊肉 !!! 欧买嘎 !!! 好吃到翻白眼了

地点 : 东姑村 (我也不会解释,就在大路边一家五颜六色的店. 看到三圣宫的路牌直走就是了)
营业时间 : 6pm 左右 到售完为止
价格:一串 RM1.00

店家还有各式炒煮,鸡饭,烤猪肉,鸡翅膀等等 。

At Taman Tunku 新路直直去到尾巴,转左你会看到红绿灯,红绿灯转右,然后注意左手边有一个住家咖啡店,咖啡店店里有夹娃娃机跟有好打桌球的

(Images via/courtesy of Aaron JC Sim)