Miri Taiwan Restaurant – Authentic Taiwanese Cuisine

Discover Authentic Taiwanese Cuisine at Miri Taiwan Restaurant.

There are few Taiwanese restaurants in Miri, and “Miri Taiwan Restaurant” stands out as a local favorite. Owned by a Taiwanese, this restaurant is especially popular among the local Chinese community for its authentic and affordable Taiwanese dishes.

A must-try is the Guo Tie (锅贴) or fried dumplings, served in a unique style with ten pieces sticking together. You can choose between two flavors or opt for a mixed set. These dumplings are large, juicy, and served piping hot—making them irresistibly delicious.

In addition to Guo Tie, the restaurant has a variety of Taiwanese specialties such as Taiwanese sausages, herbal eggs, cold tofu, herbal soup, egg pancakes, and noodles.

The beverage menu primarily features tea, available both hot and cold. Enjoy a range of options including Strawberry Tea, Ginseng Tea, Jasmine Milk Tea, and Honey Green Tea.

Miri Taiwan Restaurant
No. 860, Ground Floor,
Jalan Permaisuri,
98000 Miri, Sarawak.