Gold Coin Cake now in Gong Xi Bazaar Miri

Gold Coin Cake is now available at Gong Xi Bazaar in Miri. Come and try it at the Veggie World stall next to the stage.

Thank you for your love on the Gold Coin Cake! Don’t miss out, it’s a must-try. They also have stir-fry, burgers, wraps, buns, spring rolls, spicy hot pot, and more. Explore a variety of delicious options at VG WORLD Veggie Stall. Find them beside the stage at the Miri Gong Xi Bazaar.

大家一定要来品尝试试 就在人间素食档口


炒煮 汉堡 卷饼 烧包 春卷
麻辣烫 麻辣香锅 红烧面
还有很多ojibala 等你自己来看看!

Address: VG WORLD 人間素食
(Beside the stage)
美里缤纷市集Miri Gong Xi Bazaar

(Images: Li Han)